Unieke activiteiten in Amsterdam

Boek onvergetelijke activiteiten georganiseerd door locals op Airbnb.

Wanneer er suggesties beschikbaar zijn, maak je een keuze met je de pijltjestoetsen omhoog en omlaag, óf door te tikken of swipen.

Uitstekend beoordeelde activiteiten

Prijswinnende All Inclusive Rondvaart in Amsterdam
De rondvaart heeft officieel de "best of the best" Reizigers Keuze prijs toegekend gekregen. Ik ben superblij met deze waardering van mijn gasten! De rondvaart met vrienden en familie. Met een kleine groep op een volledig elektrische sloep zie en hoor je meer dan in de klassieke rondvaartboten (glazen bussen noemen wij ze altijd) U gaat op de meest ontspannen, comfortabele en leuke rondvaart met familie en vrienden door de grachten van Amsterdam beleven. Maar niet zomaar een rondvaart. U wordt verwend met heerlijke drankjes, mooie verhalen, unieke geschiedenis en humor. Maar daarnaast ontmoet je ook gasten van over de hele wereld en ze spreken allemaal Engels. Maak kennis met Frankrijk, India, Spanje, Andorra, Italië, de VS en nog veel meer landen terwijl je aan boord zit. Het wordt een ervaring als geen ander. Ik ben er 100% zeker van dat u en de familie en/of vrienden een geweldige tijd zullen hebben. Notitie: - Geen tickets meer online of behoefte aan een privétour, neem eerst contact met mij op, ik kan altijd wel iets regelen. - Let op! Dit is een ontspannende rondvaart, geen booze-cruise Andere dingen waar je op moet letten Alle leeftijden zijn meer dan welkom. Er is geen toilet op de boot. Jonger dan 16 jaar moet worden vergezeld door een volwassene. Niet roken of eigen dranken toegestaan. Annuleren vanwege slecht is altijd mogelijk. Ik sta meestal van woensdag tot en met zaterdag zelf op de boot. Maar als ik er niet ben dan staat een van mijn beste maten me te helpen om deze tour zo geweldig mogelijk te maken. Ik kan foto's maken voor promotionele doeleinden
Dutch cheese & drinks canal cruise - with real locals
Relax and get comfy on our well-equipped and 100% electric boat. We offer a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. drinks, ranging from cocktails, wine and prosecco to beer, and softdrinks. Enjoy a drink of choice and classic Dutch cheese while we take you through the oldest and most beautiful parts of the city. Our passionate guides not only share fascinating stories and a bit of history about our beloved city but also offer insider tips and reveal must-see places known only to true locals. Don’t expect a typical tourist cruise! Discover hidden gems and admire impressive canals often overlooked by larger boat tours. Need recommendations? Just ask - our intimate groups guarantee a cozy experience, perfect for both friend groups and families. Join us for an unforgettable experience as we, true Amsterdammers, show you the magic of our city, far from the standard tourist paths!
Edibles workshop, Get baked Amsterdam
Want to learn how to make your own delicious edibles? At Get Baked Amsterdam we pride ourselves on offering a unique once in a lifetime high quality experience. We'll be meeting you at the local dispensary that we are cooperating with. Here we will buy the special ingredient together as a group. After, we will walk back to our workspace where the experience will start. We will be teaching you how to make delicious brownies (9 pieces per pair) and gummy’s, step by step. Meanwhile, we would love to educate you on the Netherlands in general, such as it’s history, culture and customs. As well as telling the story about its extraordinary relationship with cannabis. We find it of paramount importance to facilitate a safe, welcoming, and trustworthy environment for everyone who wants to participate. Even if you just would want to observe, and instead learn how to make normal brownies and gummies from scratch, you are very welcome to join. We cater to vegan and gluten-free dietary wishes but only with a minimum of 2 people since the baking takes place in pairs. These options are only for the brownies; gummies include gelatine. Please note we do NOT provide any of that special ingredient or drugs, and it is crucial to be on time. - Bring between 5-10€ p.p. extra for the dispensary - Big group or private booking? Send us a messages and we will get back to you asap.
Buddha Lounge Boat tour -Smoke& Cruise in style
Dear Guests from all over World Welcome on of the most liberating and relaxing boat rides of Amsterdam! We like to bring you together as like minded people who have the same attitude towards celebrating life. No parental control, rules or any form of stress. Just relax. Cozy up in our comfy seats. Enjoy your drinks and smokes during this 70 MINUTES Smoke, People and Animal friendly ride. This is a 420 Friendly Boat Tour. Smoking weed is allowed, but do bring your own supplies. We do not sell any. We also have a real Hookah/Shisha onboard which you can smoke (additional €25/please text us if you want to reserve one). We are no mainstream guided tour. Some people just want to chill and relax. And the stories we do tell are lighthearted and fun. If you are curious (or alone)we advise you to sit in front of the boat, close to the captain. Ask questions so we know how we can serve you. Please note we do not provide drinking parties for bachelor groups. We do not tolerate drunk , loud of disrespectful behavior from groups of persons. This Boat Tour is a wonderful way to see the canals of Amsterdam in a casual, 420 friendly setting. No matter what your color, background or preferences you are welcome. We do NOT provide cannabis products. Please bring your own supplies. Thank you. Namasté.
NO DIET CLUB - Let's get thick in DAM !
NOT YOUR BASIC FOOD TOUR ! (All food is included) - By bike during the week - By walk during the week ends (too busy) and rainy days (safety first !) ⚠ Hygienic measures : group of 10 people maximum. Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting After having a blast with our food tours in Paris and London we are thrilled to launch a third tour in the iconic Amsterdam, city of fun, bikes and canals . On the menu ? A beautiful ride around the canals and 4 hours of food porn/diversity. Ride and eat like a local ! Of course there will be a few classics but not only ! Some crispy bitterballen, fries and serious dips, a warm and gooey stroopwafel, the best apple taart in the city, bacon and sausages sandwichs, fried calamari or fish, cheese croissant and herring for the bravest ! Tastings may vary with the season :) - Bike rent : 12€ for the all day, we'll go rent them with you ! The bikes are new with 3 gears and good brakes ahah. Safety First ! (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) (DRINKS OTHER THAN WATER ARE NOT INCLUDED) ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - Calories - A nice ride around the canals - What locals eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Amsterdam - New friends from all around the world ✌

De rivieren van Amsterdam verkennen

Boottocht door Amsterdam
Welcome to the ultimate Amsterdam experience! We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our guests who have chosen our award-winning experience. Our Amsterdam tour has been recognized as the most popular and the third-best Airbnb experience in the world, and we couldn't be prouder! With over 75 different nationalities on board, we're thrilled to have created an unforgettable journey for so many curious explorers. In fact, our experience was so remarkable that we were invited by Airbnb to have lunch with Nathan Blecharczyk, the co-founder of Airbnb, to discuss what makes our tour so exceptional. Our Amsterdam tour is an adventure you don't want to miss! Hop aboard our stunning, large luxury sloop with enough space for everyone, and prepare to discover the city like a true explorer. Enjoy unlimited drinks and mouth-watering Dutch snacks as we take you to one of Amsterdam's best boat catering to pick up authentic Amsterdam 'bitterballen' - a must-try Dutch snack! As we sail along, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the hidden secrets of Amsterdam with our captivating stories. With a maximum of 12 guests aboard, our tours offer personalized experiences that you'll cherish forever. We welcome families with children and ensure that everyone has a fantastic time!
Premium cruise, ambachtelijke bieren en fijne wijnen
Welkom aan boord van de originele Airbnb Boating Experience van Amsterdam! Met onze belangrijkste focus op kwaliteit boven kwantiteit, houden we ons aan een kleine groep gasten om een ruime en persoonlijke premium-ervaring te garanderen. We nodigen je uit voor een all-inclusive avontuur van 2 uur aan boord van een van onze persoonlijk gerestaureerde elektrische boetiekboten van jachtkwaliteit. Tijdens de reis krijgt u een uitgebreide selectie Nederlandse snacks voorgeschoteld, passend bij onze high-end open bar met seizoensgebonden lokale ambachtelijke bieren van verschillende Amsterdamse brouwerijen, zorgvuldig geselecteerde kwaliteitswijnen, frisdranken en sappen. Samen genieten we van de unieke sfeer van de grachten met gelijkgestemde bezoekers en locals. Afhankelijk van de tijd van het jaar wisselen we dingen een beetje en voegen we die speciale extra's toe om onze cruises nog leuker te maken en als aanvulling op elk van de seizoenen die we hier in onze prachtige stad genieten Nu de zomer in volle gang is, zijn we verheugd om rond te cruisen met het dak open en onze voeten omhoog! Voor de koudere avonden klappen we het cabriodak omhoog en zetten we de verwarming aan. Speciaal voor de zomer zijn de favoriete drankjes, samen met vele andere, rose, cava en een speciale editie witbier, ipa en saison, van de lokale brouwerijen. Perfect om achterover te leunen om gecharmeerd te worden door de pittoreske grachten en leuke verhalen over de Amsterdamse cultuur, geschiedenis en aanbevelingen over wat we leuk vinden aan onze stad. Proost Andere dingen om op te merken De boot is erg gezellig met verwarming en cabriodak. In geval van slecht weer, of minder dan 3 gasten, kan de cruise worden verzet Volg ons @
Canaltour met prachtige Open Elektrische Boot max tien personen
Ervaar een canaltour op een van de mooiste en comfortabelste open boten van Amsterdam. Je kunt op verschillende dagen op verschillende tijden instappen voor het Centraal Station. Na wat instructies varen we af richting de rivier de Amstel waar we het Gentleman's Canal (1612) oprijden om enkele van de mooiste grachtenpanden te ontdekken. Halverwege slaan we een van de kleinere grachten op terwijl we een aantal van de mooiste bruggen van Amsterdam passeren. We gaan de 'Prinsengracht' op. Via de Amstel komen we langs bezienswaardigheden zoals het stadhuis en het operahuis, de Munt-toren en Heineken's eigen Hotel De L'Europe. We passeren de beroemdste rosse buurt van de wereld en eindigen waar we zijn begonnen op het centraal treinstation, verrijkt met plezier, kennis en nieuwe vrienden. De reis duurt meestal iets langer dan een uur.
Utrecht Kayak Tour
Enjoy Utrecht at it's best! By kayak we will navigate the famous Old Canal with its vibrant 'wharves'. Along the way I'll tell you all about the fascinating history of this town. This kayaktour is a one-of-a-kind experience! The kayaktour starts at the Domsquare/Domplein. From there we'll have a guided 15 min. walk to the kayaks. After boarding you will navigate the green and lush ring canal. Halfway there is a small break. A drink is included in the price. After the break we paddle through the famous Old Canal; the lively heart of the city of Utrecht. During the tour I’ll tell you everything you’d like to know about the history of Utrecht and Dutch culture. I’m looking forward meeting you! This unique kayaktour will be a relaxing and joyful experience that you’ll never forget. Other things to note The Domsquare is 10 min. walk from the Central station If you come by car, use a parking-lot. There is few parking space on the street. If rain is pouring down, we can try to re-schedule the tour. I will also offer an alternative, such as a guided walking tour.
Historische Windmolens [voeg Kasteel / Eiland toe]
Historische Windmolen-tour ⭐️ Privé-tour ook mogelijk ⭐️ Vanaf 2 - 6 personen als groep / familie of vrienden. (Corona-veilig) We ontmoeten bij Cafe Kobalt tegenover het Centraal Station. Je kunt met mij gratis carpoolen naar Zaandijk in mijn auto, dan lopen we over de brug richting de molens Zaanse Schans. En dan beginnen we aan de tour. - We passeren de eerste Nederlandse supermarkt uit 1887. - We zien de 17e en 18e eeuwse windmolens; Specerijen-molen, Houtmolen, Verfmolen. We zullen een of twee windmolens bezoeken. Entree inbegrepen. - Daarna bezoeken we de kaasboerderij en hebben we een gratis kaasproeverij. - We bezoeken een oud Hollandse bakkerij voor een kleine proeverij van Nederlands gebak. - Bezoek een werkplaats voor klompen en bekijk de geschiedenis van klompen. OPTIONEEL - Kasteel Muiderslot Amsterdam. Een prachtig 13e-eeuws kasteel met veel geschiedenis en verhalen. (vraag naar prijs) We bezoeken de kasteelkamers en alle 4 torens en de kasteeltuinen. OPTIONEEL -Marken Fisherman’s Island. 13e eeuws oud eiland met veel historie en unieke houten huizen op palen en de gezellige haven. 90 minuten extra (vraag naar prijs) Andere dingen waar je op moet letten Als u specifieke informatie nodig heeft, neem dan hier contact met mij op of +31624131313

Populairst in Amsterdam

Tip-Based Walking Tour of Amsterdam
Discover the fascinating history of the most liberal city in the world with the Nr 1. Best Rated Walking Tour in Amsterdam! On this unique tip-based tour * you will discover how freedom and tolerance shaped the city and its people throughout the ages. Your super-local guide will combine beautiful sightseeing with exciting storytelling and cover everything you need to know about Amsterdam in one tour: history, modern life, culture, art, fun facts, and personal stories for a unique insider’s perspective on life in Amsterdam. Be prepared to challenge all your preconceived ideas about this city because after this tour you will never look and think of Amsterdam the same way. “From the Red Light District to the evolution of Amsterdam as the global centre of world trade in the 17th century, its transition from a republic to a monarchy, the tragedy of the Nazi occupation, and its enlightened and effective attitude to drug control, your guide will stitch these diverse items together with humorous personal anecdotes and insightful commentary on the underlying social and cultural mores of the Dutch people”. PLEASE NOTE: - Minimum age: 16 (not suited for children!) - Max 5 people per booking *Tip-based walking tour means you can join this tour almost for free (you are only charged the tourist tax & booking fees) after which you can tip your guide what you think the tour was worth!
Hoogst gewaardeerde boottocht —Cruise als een local
Kleine groep — Exclusief — Niet-Scripted — Tour in het Engels — Persoonlijk Cruise als een local - met de Royal Jonckvrouw uit 1928. 'Het pronkstuk van Amsterdam'. Prominente personen zoals presidenten, burgemeesters en koninklijke gezinnen genoten van de boot van 1928 tot 2015. Geschiedenisboek aan boord. Best beoordeelde bootervaring: leuk, persoonlijk, vermakelijk en leerzaam, inclusief drankjes. —Exclusieve en gepersonaliseerde boottochten Elke boottocht in Amsterdam vaart een vaste route en vertelt over Amsterdam volgens een vast script. DAT DOEN WE ANDERS. We beslissen per groep welke route het beste past. Daarnaast zijn onze rondvaarten niet uitgeschreven en daarom nooit saai. En gemakkelijk te volgen voor gasten die niet goed Engels spreken. Elke tour is uniek. —Net als locals Een informatieve en leuke cruise voor iedereen. Net als de lokale bevolking varen we in kleine groepen en goed gezelschap! Je komt aan boord als een gast en vertrekt als een vriend. Elke tour is 90 minuten plezier! —Regen of zon! Het weer in Amsterdam is onvoorspelbaar, gelukkig verandert de boot mee. Als het weer mooi is, openen we de ramen en het dak, of genieten we van het buitendek. Als het regent, voelen we ons net zo op ons gemak. De boot is 100% elektrisch. Tot aan boord Captain Dave Amsterdam —The Official
Zaanse Schans & Zaandam- Countryside electric bike tour
Discover the beauty of Holland's countryside on an idyllic cycling adventure. After a short ferry ride and an easy 20-minute cycle through the north of the city, we'll reach the captivating Waterlands. Here, you'll encounter charming animals and the aroma of chocolate in the air. Capture stunning photos as we cruise through the countryside towards the iconic Zaanse Schans, a Dutch Heritage site. Enjoy free time to explore, take photos, visit cheese and clog stalls, or savor a delicious Dutch pancake. On our return journey, we'll pass through Zaandam, where the famous Intelhotel stands—a remarkable structure made from nearly 70 traditional Zaanse-style wooden houses. By venturing outside the city, we minimize the stress of biking in Amsterdam. The Netherlands' flat terrain makes this tour accessible to individuals of various fitness levels. Electric bikes are provided, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for the approximately 40km distance. Important notes: Bike riding proficiency is required for this experience. No refunds if you cannot. Min. rider height is 1.50m/4'9'' for adults, 1.55/5'1 for kids. I have one smaller bike for kids. Message for availability Tour runs rain or shine - we can supply ponchos. The tour starts near Central Station. No refunds for no shows/late arrivals. Join us for an unforgettable cycling adventure through Holland's countryside
Bill's Bike Tour - The Ultimate Amsterdam Bike Ride
For more availability, please check This is not your average bike tour! Bill is a local legend in Amsterdam. But maybe the real star of the show is his puppy Herman! Riding with Bill and Herman is an epic biking adventure in Amsterdam. Travel back in time, as Bill and Herman take you on a magical journey through their neighborhood! The tour is non-scripted and the route and highlights may differ from tour to tour. What is the same every tour is Bill’s energy. And Herman’s cuteness of course. Join Bill and Herman and immerse yourself in the local Amsterdam biking culture! You will see and learn more than you can imagine during a relaxing 3 hours of fun on a typical Dutch bike. Bill is an expert storyteller who effortlessly weaves all aspects of Dutch culture and Amsterdam history together. We will make frequent stops and you might see a windmill, house boats, murals, leaning houses, repurposed industrial buildings, street art and graffiti, typical Amsterdam architecture, chocolate sampling, and ride a ferry across the IJ river. Bike along hidden gems of Amsterdam, while Bill reveals secrets of Dutch liberalism and Amsterdam culture. Are you ready to meet the real Amsterdam? Hop on and join the ride!
Cheese, Clogs and Windmills E-Bike Countryside Tour
There is no better way to experience Amsterdam than by cycling around. Windmills, canals, dykes, cheese, clogs and a visit to a cow farm are all part of this E Bike tour. On this tour we will explore the beautiful areas north of Amsterdam. You'll ride through Waterland and visit Monnickendam. This tour is best for confident riders who can handle a 37 km/23 miles journey on a speed of about 18 to 20km per hour. We provide comfortable e-bikes with pedal assist. The minimum height to join this tour is 150cm. Starting near Central Station, we'll take a ferry across the IJ to Noord. Then, we'll bike north along the North Holland Canal, passing windmills and Dutch landscapes. You'll feel the peacefulness of Broek in Waterland's medieval village. At a traditional cheese farm, you'll see how wooden shoes and Gouda cheese are made. Afterward, you can try some authentic Dutch Gouda cheese. On the way back, we'll pass through the historic town of Monnickendam before returning to the city center. We hope to meet you soon at this tour. Just make sure you have some experience on the bike and be 15 mins before the start of the tour at the meeting point :-)

Activiteiten in de buurt van trekpleisters

Vondelparkdoor 4.196 locals aangeraden
Rijksmuseumdoor 3.186 locals aangeraden
Anne Frank Huisdoor 2.775 locals aangeraden
Van Gogh Museumdoor 2.485 locals aangeraden
ARTISdoor 1.622 locals aangeraden
Dam Meydanıdoor 1.419 locals aangeraden

Activiteiten in de buurt van Amsterdam-Centrum

Prijswinnende All Inclusive Rondvaart in Amsterdam
De rondvaart heeft officieel de "best of the best" Reizigers Keuze prijs toegekend gekregen. Ik ben superblij met deze waardering van mijn gasten! De rondvaart met vrienden en familie. Met een kleine groep op een volledig elektrische sloep zie en hoor je meer dan in de klassieke rondvaartboten (glazen bussen noemen wij ze altijd) U gaat op de meest ontspannen, comfortabele en leuke rondvaart met familie en vrienden door de grachten van Amsterdam beleven. Maar niet zomaar een rondvaart. U wordt verwend met heerlijke drankjes, mooie verhalen, unieke geschiedenis en humor. Maar daarnaast ontmoet je ook gasten van over de hele wereld en ze spreken allemaal Engels. Maak kennis met Frankrijk, India, Spanje, Andorra, Italië, de VS en nog veel meer landen terwijl je aan boord zit. Het wordt een ervaring als geen ander. Ik ben er 100% zeker van dat u en de familie en/of vrienden een geweldige tijd zullen hebben. Notitie: - Geen tickets meer online of behoefte aan een privétour, neem eerst contact met mij op, ik kan altijd wel iets regelen. - Let op! Dit is een ontspannende rondvaart, geen booze-cruise Andere dingen waar je op moet letten Alle leeftijden zijn meer dan welkom. Er is geen toilet op de boot. Jonger dan 16 jaar moet worden vergezeld door een volwassene. Niet roken of eigen dranken toegestaan. Annuleren vanwege slecht is altijd mogelijk. Ik sta meestal van woensdag tot en met zaterdag zelf op de boot. Maar als ik er niet ben dan staat een van mijn beste maten me te helpen om deze tour zo geweldig mogelijk te maken. Ik kan foto's maken voor promotionele doeleinden
Dutch cheese & drinks canal cruise - with real locals
Relax and get comfy on our well-equipped and 100% electric boat. We offer a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. drinks, ranging from cocktails, wine and prosecco to beer, and softdrinks. Enjoy a drink of choice and classic Dutch cheese while we take you through the oldest and most beautiful parts of the city. Our passionate guides not only share fascinating stories and a bit of history about our beloved city but also offer insider tips and reveal must-see places known only to true locals. Don’t expect a typical tourist cruise! Discover hidden gems and admire impressive canals often overlooked by larger boat tours. Need recommendations? Just ask - our intimate groups guarantee a cozy experience, perfect for both friend groups and families. Join us for an unforgettable experience as we, true Amsterdammers, show you the magic of our city, far from the standard tourist paths!
Edibles workshop, Get baked Amsterdam
Want to learn how to make your own delicious edibles? At Get Baked Amsterdam we pride ourselves on offering a unique once in a lifetime high quality experience. We'll be meeting you at the local dispensary that we are cooperating with. Here we will buy the special ingredient together as a group. After, we will walk back to our workspace where the experience will start. We will be teaching you how to make delicious brownies (9 pieces per pair) and gummy’s, step by step. Meanwhile, we would love to educate you on the Netherlands in general, such as it’s history, culture and customs. As well as telling the story about its extraordinary relationship with cannabis. We find it of paramount importance to facilitate a safe, welcoming, and trustworthy environment for everyone who wants to participate. Even if you just would want to observe, and instead learn how to make normal brownies and gummies from scratch, you are very welcome to join. We cater to vegan and gluten-free dietary wishes but only with a minimum of 2 people since the baking takes place in pairs. These options are only for the brownies; gummies include gelatine. Please note we do NOT provide any of that special ingredient or drugs, and it is crucial to be on time. - Bring between 5-10€ p.p. extra for the dispensary - Big group or private booking? Send us a messages and we will get back to you asap.
Buddha Lounge Boat tour -Smoke& Cruise in style
Dear Guests from all over World Welcome on of the most liberating and relaxing boat rides of Amsterdam! We like to bring you together as like minded people who have the same attitude towards celebrating life. No parental control, rules or any form of stress. Just relax. Cozy up in our comfy seats. Enjoy your drinks and smokes during this 70 MINUTES Smoke, People and Animal friendly ride. This is a 420 Friendly Boat Tour. Smoking weed is allowed, but do bring your own supplies. We do not sell any. We also have a real Hookah/Shisha onboard which you can smoke (additional €25/please text us if you want to reserve one). We are no mainstream guided tour. Some people just want to chill and relax. And the stories we do tell are lighthearted and fun. If you are curious (or alone)we advise you to sit in front of the boat, close to the captain. Ask questions so we know how we can serve you. Please note we do not provide drinking parties for bachelor groups. We do not tolerate drunk , loud of disrespectful behavior from groups of persons. This Boat Tour is a wonderful way to see the canals of Amsterdam in a casual, 420 friendly setting. No matter what your color, background or preferences you are welcome. We do NOT provide cannabis products. Please bring your own supplies. Thank you. Namasté.
NO DIET CLUB - Let's get thick in DAM !
NOT YOUR BASIC FOOD TOUR ! (All food is included) - By bike during the week - By walk during the week ends (too busy) and rainy days (safety first !) ⚠ Hygienic measures : group of 10 people maximum. Hydroalcoholic gel before and after each tasting After having a blast with our food tours in Paris and London we are thrilled to launch a third tour in the iconic Amsterdam, city of fun, bikes and canals . On the menu ? A beautiful ride around the canals and 4 hours of food porn/diversity. Ride and eat like a local ! Of course there will be a few classics but not only ! Some crispy bitterballen, fries and serious dips, a warm and gooey stroopwafel, the best apple taart in the city, bacon and sausages sandwichs, fried calamari or fish, cheese croissant and herring for the bravest ! Tastings may vary with the season :) - Bike rent : 12€ for the all day, we'll go rent them with you ! The bikes are new with 3 gears and good brakes ahah. Safety First ! (VEGETARIANS ARE WELCOME) (DRINKS OTHER THAN WATER ARE NOT INCLUDED) ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - Calories - A nice ride around the canals - What locals eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Amsterdam - New friends from all around the world ✌

Activiteiten in de buurt van Jordaan

Boottocht door Amsterdam
Welcome to the ultimate Amsterdam experience! We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our guests who have chosen our award-winning experience. Our Amsterdam tour has been recognized as the most popular and the third-best Airbnb experience in the world, and we couldn't be prouder! With over 75 different nationalities on board, we're thrilled to have created an unforgettable journey for so many curious explorers. In fact, our experience was so remarkable that we were invited by Airbnb to have lunch with Nathan Blecharczyk, the co-founder of Airbnb, to discuss what makes our tour so exceptional. Our Amsterdam tour is an adventure you don't want to miss! Hop aboard our stunning, large luxury sloop with enough space for everyone, and prepare to discover the city like a true explorer. Enjoy unlimited drinks and mouth-watering Dutch snacks as we take you to one of Amsterdam's best boat catering to pick up authentic Amsterdam 'bitterballen' - a must-try Dutch snack! As we sail along, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the hidden secrets of Amsterdam with our captivating stories. With a maximum of 12 guests aboard, our tours offer personalized experiences that you'll cherish forever. We welcome families with children and ensure that everyone has a fantastic time!
Private Photoshoot in the heart of Amsterdam
Welcome to my photoshoot tour in Amsterdam. My name is Hashem and I am excited to be part of your journey. I offer my services to solo travelers, couples, and families. Whether you want to capture your solo adventures, romantic moments, or cherished memories with your loved ones, I am here to help make it happen. During the session, I’ll take you around the city and guide you on how to pose to get the best shots in the most photogenic locations. At the end of the day, you'll be left with memories that'll last a lifetime and photos that will transport you back to the beautiful streets of Amsterdam. If you have a request for a specific location, just let me know and I'll make the arrangement.
Zaanse Schans & Zaandam- Countryside electric bike tour
Discover the beauty of Holland's countryside on an idyllic cycling adventure. After a short ferry ride and an easy 20-minute cycle through the north of the city, we'll reach the captivating Waterlands. Here, you'll encounter charming animals and the aroma of chocolate in the air. Capture stunning photos as we cruise through the countryside towards the iconic Zaanse Schans, a Dutch Heritage site. Enjoy free time to explore, take photos, visit cheese and clog stalls, or savor a delicious Dutch pancake. On our return journey, we'll pass through Zaandam, where the famous Intelhotel stands—a remarkable structure made from nearly 70 traditional Zaanse-style wooden houses. By venturing outside the city, we minimize the stress of biking in Amsterdam. The Netherlands' flat terrain makes this tour accessible to individuals of various fitness levels. Electric bikes are provided, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for the approximately 40km distance. Important notes: Bike riding proficiency is required for this experience. No refunds if you cannot. Min. rider height is 1.50m/4'9'' for adults, 1.55/5'1 for kids. I have one smaller bike for kids. Message for availability Tour runs rain or shine - we can supply ponchos. The tour starts near Central Station. No refunds for no shows/late arrivals. Join us for an unforgettable cycling adventure through Holland's countryside
Bill's Bike Tour - The Ultimate Amsterdam Bike Ride
For more availability, please check This is not your average bike tour! Bill is a local legend in Amsterdam. But maybe the real star of the show is his puppy Herman! Riding with Bill and Herman is an epic biking adventure in Amsterdam. Travel back in time, as Bill and Herman take you on a magical journey through their neighborhood! The tour is non-scripted and the route and highlights may differ from tour to tour. What is the same every tour is Bill’s energy. And Herman’s cuteness of course. Join Bill and Herman and immerse yourself in the local Amsterdam biking culture! You will see and learn more than you can imagine during a relaxing 3 hours of fun on a typical Dutch bike. Bill is an expert storyteller who effortlessly weaves all aspects of Dutch culture and Amsterdam history together. We will make frequent stops and you might see a windmill, house boats, murals, leaning houses, repurposed industrial buildings, street art and graffiti, typical Amsterdam architecture, chocolate sampling, and ride a ferry across the IJ river. Bike along hidden gems of Amsterdam, while Bill reveals secrets of Dutch liberalism and Amsterdam culture. Are you ready to meet the real Amsterdam? Hop on and join the ride!
Ten Taste Amsterdam Food Tour on Unesco Canals & Jordaan
Avoid tourist traps! Join our award-winning food walking tour and indulge in 10+ tastings at 5 local hotspots in 3 historical neigborhoods: Spui, UNESCO canals & Jordaan. Get a real taste of Amsterdam, even on a brief visit. Embark on a food adventure with an expert local guide. Explore true Amsterdam bites like fresh Stroopwafels, Poffertjes or a Gouda cheese and wine pairing. "Come hungry, leave with a spirit full of memories and a tummy full of Amsterdam." • No big groups! Get personal attention in a cosy semi-private group of max 10 food lovers. • Perfect for all ages and palates, we explore 2.5km (1.5 miles) against the backdrop of Amsterdam’s idyllic canals, stopping to indulge at favorite local haunts in the Spui, the Nine Streets, and the Jordaan. •On this food tour we indulge on 10+ tastings including a gouda cheese tasting, chocolate, port wine, fresh stroopwafels and more! The tour takes around 2 hour 45 min.

Activiteiten in de buurt van De Wallen

Vroege ochtendcruise Amsterdam —The Official
Kleine groep — Exclusiefer - Niet-Scripted — Tour in het Engels — Prachtig uitzicht Vroege ochtend cruise - met de Koninklijke Jonckvrouw uit 1928. 'Het pronkstuk van Amsterdam'. Prominente personen zoals presidenten, burgemeesters en koninklijke gezinnen genoten van de boot van 1928 tot 2015. Geschiedenisboek aan boord. Begin de dag spectaculair met een ochtendrondvaart met het team van Captain Dave en ervaar het prachtige uitzicht dat je alleen in de vroege ochtenden kunt zien. Boottocht inclusief koffie, thee, sinaasappelsap, smoothie en Friese suikerbrood. Je kapitein is gastheer en gids in één, waardoor je een uniek perspectief op de stad hebt. Het weer in Amsterdam is onvoorspelbaar, gelukkig verandert de boot mee. Als het weer mooi is, openen we de ramen en het dak, of genieten we van het buitendek. Als het regent, voelen we ons net zo op ons gemak. De boot is 100% elektrisch. Tot ziens aan boord! Captain Dave Amsterdam - The Official We zijn experts, maar geven geen masterclass in de geschiedenis. De tour is ontspannend, informatief en leuk. Cruise in stijl met maximaal 12 gasten en creëer veel fotomogelijkheden. — Award Winner Best Boat Tour Amsterdam — Travelers 'Choice 2023 — World' s # 10 best beoordeelde Airbnb-ervaringen — te zien in 'Weekend Breaks With Gregg Wallace' S1 Ep4 - Amsterdam
Amsterdam Highlights By Bike With Mike
There's no denying that cycling is an integral part of Dutch culture, regardless of the time of year. If you want to experience this way of life, you ought to hop on a bike with us. We are Mike's Tours Amsterdam, Amsterdams oldest bike tour company. This tour shows you the highlights of Amsterdam. After searching a typical Dutch bicycle that fits you right, we will start with a relax part through the lush and relaxing Vondelpark. After this we will go into the beautiful city center. This means navigating the canals that the city is so famous for, riding over picturesque drawbridges and maneuvering through scenic parks amidst the urban environment. With trendy scenes like those of Jordaan, you'll get to absorb every Amsterdam niche in the most Dutch way possible. The old harbours at Prinseneiland and its small drawbridges are yet another couple of Dutch secrets ready to be revealed to travelers like yourself. But we will also visit several other highlights like the Skinny Bridge, Rijksmuseum and the Jewish area. You'll feel like a true part of Amsterdam, beyond the tourism trail. In true Dutch fashion, this all-year tour is on rain or shine, so proper clothes—rain jacket included—are a must. Amsterdam is ready; the city and all its secrets are waiting for you to ride. Other things to note Bring warm clothes and also something against the rain. You never know in Amsterdam.
Premium cruise, ambachtelijke bieren en fijne wijnen
Welkom aan boord van de originele Airbnb Boating Experience van Amsterdam! Met onze belangrijkste focus op kwaliteit boven kwantiteit, houden we ons aan een kleine groep gasten om een ruime en persoonlijke premium-ervaring te garanderen. We nodigen je uit voor een all-inclusive avontuur van 2 uur aan boord van een van onze persoonlijk gerestaureerde elektrische boetiekboten van jachtkwaliteit. Tijdens de reis krijgt u een uitgebreide selectie Nederlandse snacks voorgeschoteld, passend bij onze high-end open bar met seizoensgebonden lokale ambachtelijke bieren van verschillende Amsterdamse brouwerijen, zorgvuldig geselecteerde kwaliteitswijnen, frisdranken en sappen. Samen genieten we van de unieke sfeer van de grachten met gelijkgestemde bezoekers en locals. Afhankelijk van de tijd van het jaar wisselen we dingen een beetje en voegen we die speciale extra's toe om onze cruises nog leuker te maken en als aanvulling op elk van de seizoenen die we hier in onze prachtige stad genieten Nu de zomer in volle gang is, zijn we verheugd om rond te cruisen met het dak open en onze voeten omhoog! Voor de koudere avonden klappen we het cabriodak omhoog en zetten we de verwarming aan. Speciaal voor de zomer zijn de favoriete drankjes, samen met vele andere, rose, cava en een speciale editie witbier, ipa en saison, van de lokale brouwerijen. Perfect om achterover te leunen om gecharmeerd te worden door de pittoreske grachten en leuke verhalen over de Amsterdamse cultuur, geschiedenis en aanbevelingen over wat we leuk vinden aan onze stad. Proost Andere dingen om op te merken De boot is erg gezellig met verwarming en cabriodak. In geval van slecht weer, of minder dan 3 gasten, kan de cruise worden verzet Volg ons @
Bill's Bike Tour - Top Rated and Safest Amsterdam Bike Tour
To ride with Bill and his puppy Herman check: Bill's Bike Tour is unlike any other tours in Amsterdam. You found a once in lifetime experience! Bill's Bike Tour is a breathtaking ride, exploring Dutch culture and Amsterdam history through the eyes of a local expert guide. We will stay outside the crowded city center. Instead, you will explore Amsterdam biking through pretty parks, quiet quarters, neat neighborhoods, calm canals, and dazzling drawbridges. We are not historians who spew years and historic events. Instead, we are expert story tellers who take you on a magical journey through Dutch history and Amsterdam culture. Two hours will fly by, as your local expert hero takes you on a magical journey through Amsterdam. Amsterdam has so much more to offer than the historic city center. When you book Bill’s Bike Tour, we assume you have explored the city center on foot, or perhaps you did a boat tour. We do not wish to repeat all the clichés how deep the canal are and how many bikes we fish out of the canals every year. Instead, we tell original stories, based on our own experience living in Amsterdam. Bill's Bike Tour is about having a good time with friends for a day, while learning about Amsterdam culture and Dutch identity in a fun and light way. Ride along Amsterdam's hidden gems with the wind in your hair! Hop on and join the ride!
Amsterdam's market street food tour
How much fun would it be if in every destination we visited in the world, a local friend showed up to take us to all the best places to eat, places which we would never have discovered otherwise? A dream come true, right?! This is exactly why we have created this tour for travellers with an appetite and curiosity for food, who want to explore the city and culture through local flavors and places. Amsterdam is a city that feels like a village, everything is close and within walking distance that’s it’s charm. If you take a step or two outside of the tourist centre, the city’s neighbourhoods reveal an abundance of cultures from the east and west that have come to the Netherlands over the years, bringing with them their customs, diversity, and of course the food! Street food has long become part of our daily routine and in a city with cultures as diverse and varied as Amsterdam, the possibilities for authentic food are endless! We invite you to take part in the journey of flavors and wonderful stories that this city has to offer and join us on an adventure. We’ve gathered the best of the best of foods, places, and stories that make us smile and our stomachs growl just by thinking about it. 3 hours, some stories and lots of food, so don’t say we didn’t tell you to come hungry. Vegetarians are welcome of course! Food restrictions or allergies? Please update us before booking.